DECANTER Wine Water Silver Plated Artistic Creation Handcraft Made in Italy DECANTER Wine Water Silver Plated Artistic Creation Handcraft Made in Italy
DECANTER WITH GRAPE LEAF TRIM Wine Water Glass and Silver Plated Artistic Creation Handcraft Made in Italy *52.7oz  DECANTER WITH GRAPE LEAF TRIM Wine Water Glass and Silver Plated Artistic Creation Handcraft Made in Italy *52.7oz

DECANTER Wine Water Silver Gold Plated Artistic Creation Handcraft Made in Italy

Crafted in Italy by: BRAGAGNOLO ARGENTI
  • Wine Water Decanter Carafe
  • Special Silver Gold Anti-oxidation Plating Precious Metals
  • Original Manual Artistic Hammering Creation
  • High Quality Handmade Made in Italy
  • Origin Brand
As low as €203.00

Please consider that this is a product of authentic Italian quality, completely or in most part created by highly specialized masters in small quantities or even for a single order. We kindly ask you for your understanding, that because of this authenticity and exclusivity this product is available for shipping in (maximum) 15 days.

This little waiting time will surely be worth it!

The Bragagnolo Argenti artistic silver workshop was established back in 1978 in Cittadella, a medieval city between the two historical centers of Padua and Vicenza, a traditional area of excellence in the silver handcraft mastery.<br/> Bragagnolo Argenti is surely among the most appreciated Italian silver workshops, distinguished from the very origins for its originality of design and dedication to the fullest handcraft mastery. The continuous quest for new products, deep rooted in the oldest traditions, provide a fine waving of beauty and harmony.<br/> The decanters of the Fine Wine Tasting line are the ideal tasting instrument for fine wine estimators, those who can value uniqueness, and guarantee success with every wine, revolutionizing the modern technique of tasting.<br/> Further, thanks to their patented forging technique, these precious decanters enrich the wine with an additional final touch of compact and balanced flavor.<br/> The hand-hammering recalls to an ancient gold-forging technique, which makes the worked metal much more homogeneous, never porous, easy to polish, much more resistant; the characteristic dimples stimulate the oxygenation of wine.<br/> Bragagnolo Argenti developed the brand-project “argentoè” (Silver is), to make of the core silver properties its starting point for the development of innovative ideas and designs, where elegance meets functionality. Made in Italy at its highest expression.<br/> The perfect present for yourself, your family, your best friends as well as your professional circle. Don't miss it!<br/>